Discover the
CHARTres 4 PEACE LAByrinth™
The past and the future seem to be converging in our time with extraordinary intensity. Clearly some form of creative intelligence informs the whole, yet just as clearly the human future is radically uncertain, contingent both on human choices and on larger forces beyond our power, beyond our awareness. An old age of the world is passing away, and a new one is struggling to be born.
Richard Tarnas
What is CHARTres 4 PEACE LAByrinth™?
Whether appreciated as art, arcanum, or the Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Educator’s tool it was designed to be, CHARTres 4 PEACE LAByrinth’s puzzle pieces, oscillating heart path, and Rhyming Spirals lead to the “ecological self”; that part of us that environmental visionary Arne Naess says, “is in, and of, nature from the very beginning of ourselves.” Joanna Macy believes that the “ecological self, like any notion of selfhood” is more than a “metaphoric construct” and that “if we want to be able to identify with different aspects of our systemically interrelated existence” we have choices to make. My way of identifying with the ecological self was to see embryogenesis, birth, breastfeeding and bonding as Nature’s Wisdom Traditions. CHARTres 4 PEACE LAByrinth™ explores these traditions by applying Eco-Spiritual Helping (ESH) principles toward healing our earliest personal, and deepest cultural, wounds.
While Macy is correct when she says, “we are not limited by the accident of our birth or the timing of it [because] we can inhabit time and own our story as a species.” But our species story is a congregate of individual origin stories that need to be included in our ecological autobiographies. Jungian analyst and keeper of old stories, Clarissa Pincola Estés, reminds us that “despite all sell-outs, overwritings, mistakes, and veerings ... what undergirds numinous stories is incorrupt. ... Like the soul, numinous stories can be dented, scorched, dismembered, but ... never ... killed. The real story ... remains in any heart that has the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it, the guts to strive to shelter ... and follow it.” Our origin stories are marked by ontological wisdom and bio-numinous behaviors which can be adapted to navigate the cyclic, psychospiritual, ecological, and evolutionary stages of development. Labyrinth historian and researcher, Jeff Saward, assures us that “whenever and wherever society is going through rapid change and development the labyrinth has blossomed. Humanity is seeking the sure path of the labyrinth” as we transition into the Ecozoic Era. Won’t you please join me on the path?
Shop for your own Labyrinth:
Listen to my APPPAH Monday Live 2019 presentation CHARTres 4 PEACE LAByrinth™:
A Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Educator’s Tool
I talk about using my birth psychology informed labyrinth in higher education.

Charting Sustainable Change
In 2015, I designed CHARTres 4 PEACE LAByrinth™ as a birth psychology educational tool to help me track the stages of transformative learning while completing APPPAH’s (Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health) Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Educator (PPNE) program. In 2018 I began using CHARTres 4 PEACE LAByrinth™ to track my relationship with nature while studying ecotherapy. Blending these two learning tracks led to Embry-ECO-LAB Work; an ecospiritual approach to birth psychology education.
Sheila Scotese Spremulli,
BA in Health Arts and Science (Goddard College)
Licensed Practical Nurse (obstetrics/retired)
Ecotherapy group facilitator (Lake Erie Institute)
Labyrinth Facilitator (Veriditas)
Spiritual Companion (Haden Institute for Spiritual Direction)
Birth Psychology Educator (APPPAH)
Biodynamical Craniosacral Therapist (BCTA/NA)
Birth Doula/retired (DONA)

What Are People Saying About Us?
“I appreciate fully the wisdom with which Sheila Spremulli seemingly uncovered the secret pattern of the [Chartres] labyrinth as gestures and principles of human development. [Her work] may help [others] appreciate the ... morphing wisdom of the body ... [as] the gestures of incarnation of the soul (spirit) in the body.”
- Jaap van der Wal MD. PhD. Embryology professor emeritus, Maastricht University
“Sheila Spremulli’s Chartres 4 Peace Labyrinth offers a profound understanding of human evolution signposted by distinct embryonic phases as guides towards the enfolding of individual and collective becoming.”
- Gyorgyi Szabo PhD. Dean of Graduate Studies at Ubiquity University
“Sheila’s work is extraordinary. She understands the labyrinthian journey of life in the womb and thus explodes with new meaning [to] actually walking a labyrinth like one finds at Chartres. We are all on an embryonic journey to deeper meaning. Sheila has broken new ground in our understanding of ourselves.”
- Jim Garrison PhD, President, Ubiquity University