Birth psychology resources:
APPPAH, Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health:
Learn more about the embryo from various perspectives and disciplines by clicking these links:
Ecopsychology and the newborn. Part 1: How does the attachment to nature start?
https://eipmh.com/ecopsychology-and-the-newborn-part-i-how-does-the-attachment-to-nature-start/Ecopsychology and the newborn. Part 11: restoring the original paradigm:
https://eipmh.com/ecopsychology-and-the-newborn-part-ii-restoring-the-original-paradigm/Ecopsychology and the newborn. Part 111: Breastfeeding, sustainability and Eco-feminism:
https://eipmh.com/ecopsychology-and-the-newborn-part-iii-breastfeeding-sustainability-and-eco-feminism/Embryo in Motion, Jaap van der Wal MD. PhD.:
https://www.embryo.nl/749 and Documentary Series: SecretLife of Fascia http://www.secretlifeoffascia.com/jaap-van-der-wal/
Embodying Embryology article: Cherionna Menzam-Sills/Therapies for Birthing Your Life: https://www.birthingyourlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/EmbEmbArticle.pdf
Embryology & The Fluid Core: An Interview with Michael Shea by Liz Koch:
https://coreawareness.com/embryology-fluidcore-2/EmbryoloQi online classes with Rebecca Haseltine:
https://www.bodylearning.netThe Blueprint: Our Unifying Field’s Potential for Connection and Wholeness by Kate White for Kindred Media:
https://www.kindredmedia.org/2016/12/blueprint-unifying-fields-potential-connection-wholeness/Qigong of Embryology online class with Bob Lehnberg email: bl@boblehnberg.com website: https://www.boblehnberg.com/
Contemplative Art Japanese Printmaking to study water dynamics of embryogenesis.
Embryo in Us 2020 - guest presentation
Walking the Chartres Labyrinth
Listen to my opening presentation given at the 2016 Breath of Life Conference at Ghost Ranch.