Our Services
C-LABwork pRebirth™ walks:
C-LAB ‘walkers’ learn the way they did in utero, by listen with their entire bodies using a kind a feeling/thinking process (Rendón, 2012). Completing those primal wisdom lessons and repairing disrupted the sequence-of-becoming reignites the numinous potency that brought us into form. Numinosity is the subtext of birth and death; story lines we all share. Master storyteller, Clarissa Pincola Estés (2011) tells us that “despite all sell-outs, overwritings, mistakes, and veerings ... what undergirds numinous stories is incorrupt. ... Like the soul, numinous stories can be dented, scorched, dismembered, but ... never ... killed ... The real story ... remains in any heart that has the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it, the guts to strive to shelter ... and follow it.”
C-LABwork pRebirth™ walks are self-paced, art-based and heart-centered.
These practices include:
C-LAB Life Mapping & Untying the Knots
The four CHARTres 4 Peace LAByrinthTM puzzle pieces fit together to form the medieval style labyrinth in the floor Chartres Cathedral. The process of ‘customizing’ C-LABwork means learning how to apply the wisdom behaviors of embryogenesis and birth to navigate adult life.
The first puzzle piece symbolizes the cyclonic forces needed for something new to arise. As we defamiliarize with an old way being, we feel the oppositional tension between what was and what wants to be. Building a capacity to live these tension is precondition of emergence. Walking this puzzle pieces is about blending the old identities, worldview, relationship, concepts of the divine, etc. with the new. Chaos seeds the re-conception and emergence of s/Self.
The second puzzle piece symbolizes the need for life giving relationship and community support. Resistance to change is common. In order to survive the day old embryo travel to the womb to find must find a place to land. Implantation unfolds in sequences of approach that require finesse and chemical exchanges of relatedness and belonging. The second puzzle pieces is visual metaphor the wayfinding behaviors that adults need to cultivate to implant into life giving relationships that support individuation by respecting and negotiating boundaries between self and o/Other.
The third puzzle piece symbolizes how the primordial heart arises where amniotic sac and yolk sac fluids converge. Biodynamic pioneer, Michael Shea PhD., works with the embryo in the adult. He explains that the resistance we experienced at “a metabolic process” during embryogenesis “continues as a physiological process throughout life” with psychological and spiritual” outcomes (2005). Applying this wayfinding behavior to adult life means learning how to love self and others in new ways.
The fourth puzzle piece symbolizes the great turning maneuver the embryo undergoes during the fourth week after conception. Customizing this turning behavior as adults means finding a way to embody the change we’ve become. It can feel as if we’ve turned ourselves inside out. We may feel a call to live out the hero’s journey but not without reservation and fear. Remembering that this great turning maneuver pre-exercises key movements of birth may be helpful in learning to trust the process. Its like learning to be the plain while flying it.
“The unborn child is a feeling, remembering, aware being ... what happens to us in the nine months between conception and birth molds and shapes personality, drives, and ambitions in very important ways.” Thomas Verney, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child.
The process of creating a C-LAB begins with making a one page Life Map Guidebook.
By doing this one learns how they wisdom behaviors of coming into being recapitulate later, especially during the stages of life outline on the map. The map then becomes a Guidebook to begin to write or re-write ecospiritual autobiography that include the missing pages of your origin story.
Directions for folding the Life Map Guidebook:
Folding a sheet of paper into a 14 page book.
Cut the paper on scored lines [shown in video or instructions].
Laying the page flat in front of you.
The far right top of the page of the page the words is where you enter your life path.
Mark it “My Pre- Conception Story”.
Moving to the left, mark the page “¼ crisis” for adolescence.
Moving down and to the edge of the far turn of the path. Mark “midlife crisis”.
Moving down and to the far left turn of the path
Label this area “¾ crisis”.
Moving to the far end of the paper labyrinth’s path, label that area death
Hold the beginning and end of your life path labyrinth together. Where they join represents inter-life or premortal existence.
Refold the labyrinth path (show video or provide instructions)
Use Typology base and the portable C-LAB to trace and decorate the pages.
Begin to fill the pages with the places in your life where you applied the wayfinding behaviors of being and birth to the different developmental stages of life.